Via Bryonie Wise, Elephant Journal

“A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more.”
Be brave in your goodbyes and let the tears fall wear they may; invite them to be big and juicy and sprinkle them near and far.
Be brave in your truth and know that in telling it, you will be freed to be you (the real you, the one you’ve met in your dreams).
Be brave and know that being scared is okay and it doesn’t make you weak…in fact, being brave and being scared is the very same thing and it makes you as strong as the sea.
Be brave enough to show your face, to take off your mask, to admit when you are wrong and to look each person you greet in the eye
(including yourself).
Be brave and know that that earth will hold you and the stars will love you and the moon and the sun will always shine from your heart.
Be brave and know that you are deserving of a love that’s as big as the universe and that you have a right to be happy, if you so choose.
Be brave and know that when you empty your closets of the skeletons you hid away so carefully, that for awhile it will feel like your world is unraveling (and know, please know, that although this might feel like the end, it’s the very beginning.)
Be brave and be human and be kind and be strong.
And most of all…be you.
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