Happy *FULL MOON* in Capricorn TODAY July 3rd, 2012!
VIA http://www.mysticmamma.com/full-moon-in-capricorn-july-3rd-2012/
“No matter
what’s happening in your life now it’s time to open up to a new way of thinking
and being. It’s time to get unstuck from old concepts and beliefs that may have
been holding us back. It’s time to accept that everything is in a
constant state of change, or as my grandmother used to say ‘nothing
stays the same.’
“With the Moon getting bigger in the night sky, our
collective emotions are getting bigger too. With Mars moving into Libra, the
sign that says ‘I Balance’ we’re all getting the message to create peace and
harmony in our world, internally and externally…”
don’t have to react to outside stimulai in the same old ways. We have the power
to choose how we’re going to react to the people who disagree with us, we also
have the power to wish a driver who just cut us off, peace, love and a long
“Change the paradigm, and refused to get
locked into what you may call tradition. We can start a new tradition that
doesn’t require us to do anything that we don’t want to do. We can decide to
get through this period peacefully and without overwhelming ourselves and others
with ‘things to do.”
we always did it that way’ can change into ‘let’s try something new’. A wise
woman once said ‘if what you’re doing isn’t bringing you the results you want,
try doing something else.’
“If we promise
ourselves to flow through this time and to do everything in moderation, and keep
the Light around us and loved ones, this weekend and the holiday will be a
wonderful time to grow and evolve and to spread the love
“As the peace
movement people used to say ‘make love, not war.’ Change your thinking,
change the paradigm and make this an awesome time of new experiences.
© Copyright 2012 Ayesha Grice All
rights Reserved.
“The Full
Moon Capricorn (2012) is July 3rd, 2:52 pm (Eastern US). West Coast time is
11:52 am PDT. London/GMT is 6:52 pm…”
“A Capricorn Full Moon, with Sun in cardinal Cancer,
forms a dramatic t-square to Uranus and Pluto. That makes it one of purging from
the depths, and catalyst-type happenings or epiphanies.”
“The Uranus-Pluto
square engages the Cancer-Capricorn axis, to shake family and
societal assumptions to the core. Repressed or denied ‘realities’ are squeezed
out of their hidey holes, and exhibited in (possibly) shocking ways. These
shadow truths can also be expressed in inventive, courageous and taboo-busting
ways, too.”
“The shake down
is unsettling, but it ultimately frees each of us to bust out of the
suffocating, ‘this is how things are done’ norm. It liberates us to question
everything, even givens at the very fabric of society. Those with planets in
cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn within orb of 8 degrees
Capricorn will be cosmically hit most forcefully).”
“…The shadow
has a lot of power. That’s why it’s critical to redouble efforts to stay sane
and keep eyes on the growing edge — the life that’s there to be regenerated.
Being creative with your imagination is a way to triumph and transcend.
This is a time to discover the innate genius that’s being unearthed and
“If something
comes to a head at the Full Moon (which often happens!), give yourself a cooling
off period before making major decisions.”
Jupiter-Neptune square in play can mean seeing things as if in a fun-house
mirror. One view can be taken for the whole story, and be blown out of
proportion. The energies of this particular full Moon create a mood of urgency
and impulse to act. Look for ways to release pent-up frustration, in ways that
don’t escalate an already tense astro atmosphere….”
“This is
serious moonlight for epiphanies about the most longed-for aspirations, which
are often ones that take time and effort over many years….”
”Full Moons illuminate, and there can be epiphanies
about life’s work. The word career seems dated to me, since many of us switch
tracks, or wear many hats. What’s potentially solidified at the Full Moon, is a
sense of soul purpose — why you’re alive at this time, and what clues
and events form an impression that the soul translates into a solid sense of
“The Gemini new Moon (June
19th) at 29 degrees brought together many threads. At the full Moon, these can
converge into a knowing about your soul’s mission. It’s like when you realize
all those seemingly random job-lets and detours were meaningful — they’re
stepping stones to the overall legacy you’re creating.”
© Copyright 2012 Molly Hall All rights Reserved.
“The big
picture is that we are in the midst of alchemy and
purification. Love and compassion is the higher expression of the
energy and competition and dominance is the lower expression. You are meant to
be a creator, not a passenger who is just along for the ride.”
“The personal
expression of higher energy is innovative thinking and authentic self-expression
with healthy self-esteem.”
“It also
includes taking responsibility for getting your wants and needs met with healthy
boundaries in place. And always, with love and compassion for the greater good
of all concerned.”
“You are here
now ON PURPOSE (gentle reminder
“Decide how you
want to express your Self and live your life – and don’t allow these tumultuous
times to throw you off-course!”
© Copyright 2012 Lisa E.
Zimmerman All rights Reserved.
evolutionary wave of change continues with the Capricorn Full Moon on July 3. We
are on the cusp of a major shift in consciousness.”
“What is not
built on Love and Truth is dissolving. The cuddly Sun in Cancer in opposition to
the Full Moon in crusty Capricorn is requiring us to balance our inner needs
with our outer responsibilities.”
“We are being
challenged to change and evolve. We are required to increase our
“Yet, the ego
personality is needy with an insatiable appetite. This can pull us into the dark
side by driving our addictions, codependent relationships, toxic jobs and
endless distractions.”
“Our cure is
through our personal development, Self-mastery and soul evolution. The path of
Self-mastery requires alone time to develop a solid connection to our Inner
Being and our Source. This place of inner strength builds a strong personal
foundation, integrity, JOY and wholeness. The Soul to Source connection
increases our light, vibration and consciousness.”
“The soul seeks
freedom and union with her divine lover our Higher Self….This is a personal
sacred relationship between Self and Source.”
“This holy
union is nurtured in our alone time, our independent of other people time and
free from external influences. In other words, we fall in Love with Source our
Higher Self. As a result, our Soul
awakens when it merges with its Higher Self…”
“We must do this
independently of others. It is the marriage of our Soul—Source. This is the
path to awakening into Higher Dimension, outrageous abundance, peace, Joy and
Love. “
© Copyright 2012 Kelly Rosano All rights
“The Sabian
symbol for the Moon in 13 degrees of Capricorn and for the Sun in 13 degrees of
13 A fire worshiper This is a symbol of man’s inner strength through his
realization of an inviolable tie with creative power of the universe itself,
dramatized by his continual outreach to the divine in a spiritualizing
of his aspiration and a dedication of his talents and possessions to the
over-all reality…”
“Cancer 13 One hand
slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb…
The keyword is determination….”
“This symbol is
empowering us because of the knowledge and wisdom that with the miracle of
spiritual transformation we are inseparably linked with our creator. The emphasis is on the devotion, on the hope, on the
faith and on the inspiration that our creative power is within, and is connected
with the Creator, to generate that which we desire. This symbol points to our
devotion, and our belief that everything we have and are, is because of a higher
power. “
“This speaks to
us of the exceptional discipline, control, responsibility and strength we have
within, with our unshakeable confidence in our ability to handle whatever
problems and tribulation that comes our way.”
“This symbol is
reminding us to reconnect with the creator, to go within our sacred abode, that
the solutions are within and easily accessible. “
© Copyright 2012 Lincoln this and that
Astrology All rights Reserved.
“This fat
summer Moon in Cancer/Capricorn holds multiple powerful forms of sacred geometry
that tend to turn up the dial on activity, symbolic experiences, big
“Under the Pluto/Uranus
influence, many have chosen to take on the task of deep shamanic and shadow work
to do their personal part in facilitating the deep change that is taking place
to increase our frequency here on the planet and move to a more heart-centered
way of life. Necessary deep healing work is being taken on by spiritual warriors
to heal issues and energy held in the first three chakras with courageous
results benefitting all…”
“All these planets are involved in multiple major
configurations ~ a highly orchestrated sacred geometry linking all the planets
of the chart. Quite beautiful and auspicious.”
“The Sun at this Full
Moon also is aligned with the Sirius star system that many ancient
cultures celebrated and revered. That’s three in
a row, the last three moons have been aligned with major star systems since the
May 20th solar eclipse ~ The Pleiades, Betelgeuse in Orion and now
Sirius. A larger galactic grid is strengthening for our support and guidance.
Draw it down into your heart to create and envision new life.”
“Yes, there is
chaos at all levels in this time of change. Uranus rules chaos. In these
astrologically potent times, we are not experiencing Saturn’s linear ‘chronos
time’, but ‘kairos’ time which means ‘the appointed time’ an opportunity,
possibly a time of crisis, time poignant with meaning, the opening between
moments, with more power than normal, power to turn the course of events, create
incredible outcomes. That is what we are living through now in the next few
years. This chart of such subtle, powerful and intricately linked geometry bodes
a very potent Full Moon.”
© Copyright 2012 Patricia
Liles All rights
Yes~~~Here’s to remaining connected with
Source energy, Mother, Father, God, Goddess, Universe whatever form you relate
to most closely, draw it in closer. Spend time in communion. Go within and
listen. Ground in and give yourself and those around you kindness and
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